Well my 2024 spring NH turkey season has come to an end. With my two birds taken last week on opening day and the second day of the season it was time for my friend and his 12 year old son to come to NH to see if I could get them their first turkeys. He own's the farm in Potter County Pa that I archery deer hunt each fall. He has come up in the past and shot two bears but no turkeys yet. Our first day out was this past Monday the 6th. It had rained all night and the birds were very quiet. A few gobbles was about it. Tuesday morning was different. Worked a bunch of birds off the roost and at 5:45 AM two came into the decoys. 12 year old Cy took the first bird at 20 yards with his 20 gauge CZ O/U with TSS shot. The second bird stood around just long enough for Ben to end his morning. Father and son with their first Turkeys together. Wednesday was their last morning to hunt. Worked roosted birds but as usual they went pretty silent at fly down. Kept working sporadic gobbling until a bird fired up directly in front of us. He finally committed but he circled us to our left instead of coming into the decoys. Cy was unable to get a shot off but just before he left us for good Ben dropped him at 40 yds. A great hunt with 3 birds in 3 days.

Bens bird was a nice 19 Lb Tom. Great season. Five birds in five hunts.